
Loading of Admob Native ads failed to load with error code 0

时间:2010-12-5 17:23:32  作者:时尚   来源:焦点  查看:  评论:0
内容摘要:I've faced with some kind of an issue. I tried to integrate the Native ads (recently added to Googl

Loading of Admob Native ads failed to load with error code 0

I've faced with some kind of an issue.

I tried to integrate the Native ads (recently added to Google Play Services as I realized) using


quick start

It was OK for a simple banner loaded by but I really stuck when I changed to loading native ads by .

I'm using Idea + Gradle and Android Annotations.

Here is the Logcat (updated, kindly see to the end of the question):

Here is the code for fetching the ad (I call the method from my extended to publish the loaded ad to the ).

The app's manifest:

And finally my of the module

Have I missed something?

Or the Native ads still not supported by ?

Also I tried such things as changing my app unit id from test to real one, testing on the emulator/device and clearing the cache data of Google Play Services on the device - the same result.

Any help/ideas will be highly appreciated...

Updated:I've removed multidex mode from gradle's config and changed the to the latest one (22.0.1), the logcat is updated to the top of the question. Now the first call of the method fails with code 2 (timeout) and the next calls fail with code 0 as earlier. Kindly take a look at the updated Logcat

Updated2:A log for a real device (android api level 15):

Updated 3I tried to get the Content ads only (by commenting the corresponding block in the AdLoader.Builder) as @RedBrogdon adviced. Here is the log

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